Tyra Alene and Andrew Emery Anderson to wed


BRANSON MO NEWS: Blake and Laura Salisbury would like to announce to marriage of their daughter, Tyra Alene, to Andrew Emery Anderson, son of Alan and Katherine Anderson.They will be married Friday, July 27 in the Idaho Falls LDS Temple. There will be a reception honoring them that evening at the Arimo Stake Center, 286 Henderson Ave., Arimo, Idaho, from 7 to 9 p.m. An open house will be held August 4, 9160 Stratton Court, Fishers, Indiana, from 7 to 9 p.m.

Tyra is the second of five children, born in Redding, California. Her family moved to Fishers, Indiana, where she was raised and attended school. Tyra graduated from Hamilton Southeastern High School, Fishers, Indiana, May 2011; where she was involved in tutoring English as a second language, Honor Society, played trumpet in the concert band, and was a seminary graduate. She served in the Texas San Antonio Spanish speaking mission from May 2013 until Oct. 2014. She attended Brigham Young University, including a semester at BYU-Jerusalem Center, and graduated with a Bachelor of Science Degree in biochemistry in December of 2016. She is currently attending medical school at Indiana University School of Medicine, Purdue Campus.Andrew was born in Provo, Utah, the 4th of seven children. His family moved to Arimo, Idaho, where he was raised and participated in swimming, wrestling, and track at Marsh Valley High School. He also graduated from seminary, participated in scouting, and received his Eagle Scout Award. Andrew served in the Virginia Richmond Mission of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints from Septermber 2012 to September 2014. He graduated from BYU-Idaho in July 2017 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in agricultural economics and has been pursuing a graduate degree in agricultural economics at Purdue University.After a honeymoon to Branson Missouri, the couple will reside in Lafayette, Indiana and will continue their respective courses of …



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