BRANSON MO NEWS: But the nephews and nieces, aunts and uncles, brothers and sisters have been gathering lately to mourn and remember the nine members of a close-knit clan who perished together July 19 in a deadly duck boat accident on a lake near Branson, Missouri.”I just can’t imagine what they must have been thinking, what they must have been feeling in those moments,” Kyrie Rose told reporters Tuesday. “I get choked up when I drink a bottle of water and it goes down the wrong pipe the wrong way and, in my mind — beyond burning — drowning has to be the worst way to go.”Rose dabbed tears as she spoke at a news conference with attorneys representing the family in a wrongful death lawsuit seeking $100 million in damages from the operator of the duck boat. The estates of Belinda and Angela Coleman were listed as plaintiffs in a court filing Tuesday. The estates of two other Coleman family member were named in an earlier filing. “I tell the duck boat industry watch this,” said attorney Robert Mongeluzzi, who represents the family members. “Look at their faces. Remember their names and understand their incredible loss.”The industry had for years ignored warnings about the dangers of boat canopies entrapping passengers and dragging them to the bottom of the water, Mongeluzzi said. Instead, ticket sales thrived for the popular tourist rides he likened to “coffins and deathtraps.” “This family has paid for that ticket with precious life and blood,” he said. “Enough is enough.”The Ride the Ducks Branson boat, with 29 passengers and two crew members aboard, sank in Table Rock Lake. A severe thunderstorm whipped up intense winds and waves as it left the shore. The boat capsized and sank, killing 17 people, ages 1 to 76, including nine members of the Coleman family. …

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