Fake Cop Targets Tanger Outlet Employee


BRANSON MO NEWS: CARROLL COUNTY, Ark. — Another police officer impersonator is harassing people in the Branson area.You may recall a story we told you about a few weeks ago, where a Branson man pretended to be a police officer and attempted to arrest a worker at Plato’s Cave. That man was arrested. Deputies at the Carroll County Sheriff’s Department say a woman who was targeted on August 4th, works at the Tanger Outlet in Branson.The victim says when she got off work, she noticed the man in a marked black and white Crown Victoria in the outlet parking lot. She got into her car and he followed her all the way to Blue Eye, Arkansas, where he pulled her over. “He asked her if she had been drinking, or had been a particular park — and took her Sonic drink, smelled of it and then poured it out,” said Major George Frye a deputy with Carroll County Sheriff’s.However, it didn’t take long for the woman to realize, this guy was a fake.First his car said Taney County Police — no such agency.She also noticed that th long bar lights on top of the car were too narrow — and there was no spotlight. Major Frye says, there other clues he was not the real deal. “The officer..supposed officer himself.. was wearing all black, but had no badge on his shirt, no name tag, no emblems on the front. Only had a patch on one of the sleeves, that she thought said something like Sheriff, but she couldn’t read it very well,” said Major Frye.”He was not wearing a firearm, was not wearing a taser, handcuffs..or a radio,” he said, “He peered into her car and then suddenly jumped back into his own and then …



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