BRANSON MO NEWS: BRANSON, Mo. — According to statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau, the number of people living in poverty in Missouri is decreasing.But, for many, especially those in rural area — making ends meet is still tough.Stats from the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey reveals the poverty level in Missouri at 14-percent in 2016 and down to 13-point-4 percent last year.”Every year we’re able to see information from the U-S Census Bureau American Community Survey… And it gives us a chance to have a sense of how our state is moving in between the census numbers that come out every ten years,” said Jeanette Mott Oxford, Executive Vice President of the Empower Missouri non-profit. The organization released their “Missouri Poverty Snapshot” today. Oxford says a decrease in the number of poor in the state is good, but there’s still a lot of work to be done.”There are so many Missouri residents who are having trouble obtaining steady access to basic human needs like food and shelter,” Oxford said.The Census Bureau survey also shows that more than half of Missouri residents earning less than 20-thousand dollars per year, were spending more than half of their income on rent in 2017. “A lot of these folks have jobs, they just can’t keep housing stable with the wages that they have,” said Oxford.”We’re not seeing poverty decrease in Branson,” said Bryan Stallings, Founder of “Jesus Was Homeless” non-profit in Branson, “Unfortunately, we’re seeing it actually grow in Branson.”Stallings says cutting certain programs will greatly affect Branson families.”The food stamp program will definitely impact our residents here because of the seasonality of the jobs that we have,” …We never should depend on government to provide those resources for us. right? That should be the role of …

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