BRANSON MO NEWS: Special to the Post by Rev. John C. Elam
Spring, 1975. Chapel Hill is beautiful, as always. Seventy-five degrees, Carolina blue sky, dogwoods in full bloom, Friday afternoon… Walking back to the Beta House to play basketball with the guys.
Back at the house. Sides picked, juke box pulled up to open doors… right to the edge of court. Game starts.
Somebody punches J-13 on the box. It’s been punched before; maybe 313 times.
Hey, My Baby’s Coming Home to Stay, by the Reggie Saddler Revue. A Carolina classic, and a mainstay at Beta House during Friday pickup games.
I pop one in from the corner. Nothing but net.
Best friends. Hoops. Reggie on the box. Carolina blue sky. The thought occurs to me, “Maybe this is what heaven is like.”
That spring passes quickly. Reggie and the Revue pass through Chapel Hill four times that semester. They play at Beta house parties at least twice.
Reggie Saddler is THE incredible talent at universities from Atlanta to D.C. His reputation continues to grow. His records sell.
But the best part of all… the conversations with Reggie and Freddy, his bass player, during breaks.
A sometime piano player myself, …
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