James Carter of Monroe City, Missouri competes in the bareback riding competition at the Gerry Rodeo.
P-J photo by Lisa Monacelli
Ethan Anderpont of Deridder, Louisiana earns 83 points on his re-ride in the bareback riding competition on Thursday night.
P-J photo by Lisa Monacelli
An impressive and patriotic opening ceremony.
P-J photo by Lisa Monacelli
Ollie McQuiggan samples his first snow cone provided to him by his grandfather, Tom McQuiggan.
P-J photo by Lisa Monacelli
James Carter of Monroe City, Missouri competes in the bareback riding competition at the Gerry Rodeo.
P-J photo by Lisa MonacelliGERRY — Professional rodeo has always been a sport that leads the way in honoring our country, and that reputation showed itself in a big way as the Gerry Fire Department’s 74th rodeo kicked off its second performance before a near capacity crowd under ideal weather conditions.
The evening opened with 10 young recruits being sworn into the United States Army, followed with a tribute by announcer Greg Simas to past and present military members and first responders, resulting in a prolonged standing ovation by the fans. A huge United States flag that covered nearly half of the arena was presented by military and fire department members prior to the national anthem.
Rodeo competition began with the bareback bronc riders trying to beat the 80-point ride posted on opening night. The first three cowboys posted scores, but all failed to take the lead. The last cowboy out, Ethan Anderpont from Deridder, Louisiana, saw his bronc fail to perform well so was awarded a re-ride by the judges, and he made the most of it by riding a second bronc named Hell’s Canyon for 83 points, a score that will be tough to beat the rest of the week.
The steer wrestlers, who each paid a $150 entry …

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