City’s true identity remains hidden


BRANSON MO NEWS: Millenials and our offspring comprise the me, me, me generations. Social media entices us to daily reveal to the world who we think we are. We go to great lengths to define ourselves on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest and Snapchat. But many of us struggle with online authenticity, exaggerating our strengths and minimizing our weaknesses.
And sometimes those struggles aren’t just limited to our social media selves. We suffer from an identity crisis, not completely sure of who we really are, often allowing others and their opinions to determine our thoughts, words and actions.
Identity is who we really are, especially on the inside. It’s not just how others see us or even necessarily how we see and define ourselves. True identity includes our core values and beliefs. It includes our heritage and legacy, the innate characteristics we acquired from our parents and grandparents and those we’ll pass on to our children and grandchildren. To a degree, it also includes our genuine personality, how we think, act and interact with others when all the facades and veneers are stripped away.
Of course, the roles we play in society, the various hats we wear, our titles, hobbies and interests, our memories and our dreams for the future can all help to shape our identity, as well. But resume builders and vanity-plate fillers like doctor, ski bum, dancer, president, national champ or beauty queen don’t really get at the core of who we really are. Because 20 years from now we might be plumbers, couch potatoes, also-rans or cancer survivors instead. In terms of our true identity, what we do or like or look like isn’t too important. Those things change over time. It’s what we are (or are becoming) that matters most.
Cities, like people, occasionally …



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