Election Coverage Eric GreitensNovember 02, 2016The two major party candidates for Missouri governor, Republican Eric Greitens and Democrat Chris Koster, continue to slug it out with hard-hitting TV campaign ads leading up to the Nov. 8 election.Greitens, running for public office for the first time, touts his past as a Navy SEAL. He raps Chris Koster as a career politician beholden to past campaign contributors. Koster, a two-term state attorney general, insists his experience is crucial to running state government. Koster and Greitens part ways on most issues, from “right-to-work” to Medicaid expansion to managing the state budget.At a candidate forum in Branson before the Missouri Press Association Koster said as governor he would veto any right-to-work law passed by a Republican legislature.Chris KosterKoster said Missouri has a higher standard of living than many surrounding states precisely because the state protects collective bargaining.”I would sign a right-to-work bill,” said Greitens. “My opponent, Chris Koster, has taken over $8 million from union bosses, which is why he is against right-to-work.”Koster favors expansion of Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act, while Greitens claims that Koster supports “a broken program with broken promises.Greitens said if elected he would hire …

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