BRANSON MO NEWS: Sight & Sound Millenium Theatre usually focuses on an Old Testament Biblical figure, like Moses or Noah or, most recently, Samson.But now, 42 years after it first opened its doors, the Christian theater is presenting a show about Jesus Christ.“We wanted to tell a familiar story in an unexpected way,” says Josh Enck, the producer and director of “Jesus,” which opened this weekend and will run through Jan. 5, 2019. “We wanted to make sure we were ready.”
“It’s a 20-year quest,” says Matt Neff, chief executive officer of Sight & Sound. “We’re retelling the story from scratch.”This is not the first show to present the life of Jesus. In 1987, “Behold the Lamb,” a straightforward biography of Jesus’ life, opened. It was the first Biblical production Sight & Sound had ever done.“That show was the catalyst to expand ,” Neff says.Sight & Sound had been a fairly small operation in a different theater in Strasburg.“We purchased the land we have now after ‘Behold the Lamb,’ ” Neff says. “And we ran the show off and on. I think the last time was 2008.”
Unlike “Behold the Lamb,” this new production is not a traditional biographical story.Instead, we see how Jesus affected people’s lives. Stories from the gospels are brought to life, and other facets of his life, including his birth and death, are weaved throughout.“This is not a story of Jesus’ life, but of Jesus’ love, which we believe is his life,” Enck says.“Jesus is the redeemer. What if we could portray those (he saved), those whose lives completely changed because of him,” Neff says. “That’s what we wanted to do.Lots of actionIt is a fast-paced show.“There is constant action,” Neff says. “All four gospels are part of it, but most comes from the Gospel …
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