BRANSON MO NEWS: A woman came up to thank Maret Cahill Wicks, executive director of the United Way of Central Arkansas, after last year’s Turkey Trot 5K on Thanksgiving Day.
“She said, ‘Thank you, thank you,’” Cahill Wicks said.” I was kind of confused, wondering what she was thanking me for. She said, ‘You got me away from my in-laws for two hours.’ It tickled to me no end.”
Whatever the reason — getting away from annoying relatives, needing to exercise
before the big holiday meal or just wanting to contribute to a good cause — Cahill Wicks hopes people will again turn out for the holiday race. It is scheduled to begin at 8:30 a.m. at Centennial Valley Country Club, 1600 Centennial Club Drive in Conway.
Last year was the first year for the 5K, and it was “wildly successful,” she said.
“They told us we could expect 90 on a first-time 5K; we had 350 last year. We’re hoping for 500 this year,” she said. Participants may run or walk during the event.
Traci Smith of Conway, who is a six-year member of the United Way of Central Arkansas board, came up with the idea.
“I came up with it because I participated in …

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