Election Coverage Roy BluntNovember 02, 2016In a turbulent election year, the race for U.S. Senator from Missouri has tightened to what some pundits call a “toss-up.” GOP incumbent Roy Blunt is facing a tough challenger in Democrat Jason Kander.Blunt has positioned himself as a conservative who is not afraid to work with Democrats in the Senate. Kander argues that it’s time to choose an alternative to a career politician tied to lobbyists, some who are family members of Blunt.Kander, who has served in the state legislature and is secretary of state of Missouri, emphasizes his military experience as an officer in Afghanistan. Blunt is seeking a second term as Senator and argues that it has never been more critical to keep a Missouri Republican in the U.S. Senate.”One of the things voters ought to be thinking about is who is going to be nominating judges to the court and who is going to be confirming those nominations,” Blunt said.Jason KanderKander blasted Blunt for keeping the high court in a 4-4 limbo by refusing to act on nominee Judge Merrick Garland, the pick of President Barack Obama to fill a vacant seat.Kander said Blunt …

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