What’s Distressing About Distressed Clothing


BRANSON MO NEWS: To be fair, “Lmao wait one minute” is an apt response to this particular pair of sneakers. A grungy pinky-grey shade reminiscent of worn pointe shoes, these sneakers resemble a Twinkie in that they look not so much made as extruded. They’re scuffed and grimy, and they’ve got these dull burnished silver strips of duct tape wrapped fore and aft; their frayed laces, knotted like lies, promise to snap. Coming from Italian company Golden Goose, the sneakers are brand new. Barneys New York was selling them for $585, believe it or not.
All the IG famous are wearing the “distressed look”; it’s the hot way to greet the Tyler Durden apocalypse that glimmers on our collective horizon. Kim Kardashian spotted wearing a cavemen-hemmed denim mini-skirt; Gigi Hadid caught wearing jeans that are more holes than fabric; Justin Bieber throwing the shaka sign in a shredded houndstooth jacket. Everyone who’s anyone is “distressed.”
Fashion writers are committed to calling this school of fashion “street.” Slashed, repurposed, mended, patched and abraded — these clothes, magazines would like us to believe, are simultaneously authentic, elegant, and easy. It’s clothing that’s not supposed to look as if it costs $900, …


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